Five Things We're Thankful For

- Fresh, running water. You really can't leave this out, can you? The World Health Organization reports that 1.8 million people die every year from diarrheal disease, and that an estimated 88% of those deaths are attributed to unsafe water supply, sanitation and hygiene. In the meantime, we run the water while we brush our teeth.
- Our family and the friends who have become family.These are the treasured people who get us through rough years. We need them almost as much as we need fresh water.
- Surviving the market downturn. We're still here and we're not going anywhere. We made the cut, and we still like our jobs.
- Living in a country where we can have a job that we love. Like fresh water, it's easy to take this for granted. Not having to rely on degrading or exhausting, low-paying just to put food on the table; not being forced to work 18 hour days (oh...wait!); never being coerced into a job--these are things we're thankful for, and that makes us some of the
luckiest people in the world.
- Food. Like piping hot turkey, homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes, steaming ladles of gravy, pumpkin pie...

Count your blessings. Even the water.
nice blog, look forward to seeing you guys soon
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